Why Chen's


Sifu Chen

The performance brought together the best artists the Bay Area had to offer. Nothing stood out in particular until I saw Percy Lumpkin, one of my high school friends, on stage.

He and his teacher performed "push hands" with the staff. While sitting in my seat, something happened. I could feel his teacher's energy. Later, when his teacher did his set alone on stage, I felt my internal energy move. I could tap his teacher's energy and follow. Intrigued by the experience, I contacted my friend and arranged to be introduced to his teacher.

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I don't remember much about our first meeting except when Sifu Chen asked why I wanted to study Chen Taiji. It was a question I was unprepared for, and my response was equally unscripted. I told him I wanted to study because it felt familiar and "I've done this before." He accepted me as a student that day.

I have no idea why I answered the way I did. I had never seen Chen Taiji, yet intuitively I knew I was "home" by looking at it.

What ensued next was seventeen years of practice with Sifu Chen until I received my certificate to teach, and he passed away.