Why Chen's


Principle: Lose to win

Another of the first principles in Taiji's health aspect  is " lose to win." But how can you do this and live in a world of scarcity? When you think you must defend what little you have, losing to win is more silliness. Still, when you internally feel relaxed, full, and abundant, the loss can be perceived as not a repugnant loss but a form of stability. You don't have to win.

A positive effect of losing to win happens when the mind finally clears. When the mind goes clear, students will lose themselves in the set. They "wake up" while doing the moves and must discover where they are in the sequence.

At other times, they will unintentionally jump from one move to a similar one, which is an example of losing to win because doing so allows the set to unfold as an expression of intimacy.

But more importantly, losing to win opens the door to Chen's martial aspect by preparing the body to be able to take a fall or a blow.