Gene-Culture Coevolution

Since the 1960s, Coevolution has laid the foundation for a revised conception of the evolution process. In the revised model, genes and culture persistently act together in a feedback loop––alteration in culture modifies genes, and vice versa; alteration in genes modifies culture.

Pivotal to this new dynamic evolutionary concept is the speed at which cultural and environmental change occurs. It must be moderate. If cultural or physical changes are too slow or fast, what the previous generation knew and constructed becomes outdated and provides no social value or selective pressure to affect changes on the genetic level.  

The Colorful Prince adopts Coevolution as the principal component driving its existence and, in doing so, reframes ecology in terms of an inheritance. Ecological inheritance is a peculiar legacy of Coevolution that occurs when children inhabit spaces created and modified by multiple generations over extended periods of time.

The feedback loop between genes and culture confined within spaces of previous generations, niche constructions, creates selective pressures that can affect evolution.

In the case of the Colorful Prince, the selective pressure of its culture is biased toward cooperative altruism, and, over time, as multiple generations practice socially learned patterns of selflessness, the cumulative effect of their acts will produce the particular inherited character trait of Human Inclusive Fitness.