Online Porn

The Doctor tells the tale.

Normality in our society is that people are disconnected from who they are. We are free to develop friendships, relations, and attachments in our external reality based on the inauthentic version of ourselves. 

I want to talk about something that I don't think is spoken about enough, and that's online pornography. It is something that people need to talk about more. This young man couldn't look at me. He couldn't look me in the eye. He was ashamed for sharing how he was addicted to online pornography.

When I asked him if he had opened up with anyone and if he had shared with anyone, he stated he hadn't told a single person. I was the first person he told. Interestingly, as I got to know him and built trust and rapport, he opened up when he knew I wouldn't judge, invalidate, or look down on him. This particular chap was very isolated in his life and had decided to fill his inner emptiness with online pornography. It was a symptom.

My conclusion with him was simple. He didn't have a tribe. He didn't have a community. There was no part of his life where he felt like he belonged. For him, the ultimate solution was joining a boxing club. It wasn't just the physical activity. It was the tribe he got. I remember he said to me, you know, before I joined the boxing club, if someone said to me do ten push-ups, I wouldn't do a single one, but in a boxing gym, 10 means 10.