
If we wish to affect liberation, which suggests a new architecture that nurtures the environment, “patients” like the young man must prevail in their illusion. Modern man is sorely beleaguered by his bad conscience and has heard enough about guilt and sin.

For us to go beyond this insanity from which our culture suffers, of thinking that a human being can be healthy while being internally divided, the Colorful Prince follows the adage of William Blake; the fool who persists in his folly will become wise.

The strongest and healthiest power is to be faithful to the will of one’s being. The fictive Colorful Prince recognizes Skinship as extended, voluntary kin that nurtures each other through physical touch. This tradition of expanding the definition of family is nothing new.

Black Americans have defined family through attraction, affinity, and proximity, as opposed to biology alone, for centuries. Only the Colorful Prince takes the concept back hundreds of thousands of years when the species lived in nature in small band hunter-gatherer groups.

It goes back to when structural reciprocity was the rule to recapture what we’ve lost and correct a system that demands that we stay lost.

Human beings are meant to be nurtured through touch-play. It's a process for enjoyment that accentuates the sheer pleasure of the living. There's a circuit in our brain that's designated for this, because touch-play is essential for human evolution.

In contrast, if we persist in low-touch relations and environments that reduce and confine our existence to white boxes, making us similar to zoo animals, we can continue to adapt to such conditions, but that doesn't mean we can thrive in them. Nor does it mean that those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it that never cares for anything else thereafter find a resolution.