
In evolutionary terms, niche construction has a specific meaning. The environment modification elicits an evolutionary response, which the Colorful Prince defines as a home. At present, we use house/housing and home interchangeably for shelter..

We have confused the two, not realizing what we've lost, mistaking one for the other. Or how the particular socio-economic systems in which we live demand that we stay confused and continue living in the unnatural housing environment. Housing is not a home, but few know why this is the case as we continue to muddle through. 

Still, those who join the Colorful Prince discover its unique distinction between house and home. The dissimilarity entails more than a place one can always return for comfort.

The peculiarity the Colorful Prince proposes for living conditions to qualify as a home is based on the proximity of “family” members not related by blood. A cultural adaptation where non-blood related individuals share living conditions, sleeping with each other, working together, and sharing food.

What appears to be random social reciprocity and sexual freedom for both men and women within a diverse group in the Colorful Prince’s proposed cultural adaptation of “Skinship” is a learned behavior where close contact and touching––without regard for social and economic status––creates selective pressure meant to direct evolutionary change toward altruism.

However, intentional niche construction and gene-culture coevolution are not to be mistakenly confused with Eugenics, practices that aim to improve the genetic quality of a human population by selective breeding or artificial selection–excluding people and groups judged to be inferior or promoting those judged to be superior. Gene–Gene-culture coevolution moves in the opposite direction toward Human Inclusive Fitness.